
The Scandi Look: Embracing Minimalism and Hygge in Your Home


The Scandi look has gained immense popularity in recent years, with people across the world embracing the minimalist and cozy style. Originating in Scandinavia, the Scandi look is characterized by clean lines, natural materials, and a sense of hygge – the Danish concept of comfortable conviviality.

What is Scandi Look?

The Scandi look is all about simplicity and functionality, with a focus on creating a warm and inviting space. It’s about using natural materials such as wood, stone, and linen, and incorporating lots of texture to add interest to a room. The color palette is usually muted, with lots of white, gray, and beige, but the use of pops of color is also common.

Why is Scandi Look so Popular?

One of the reasons that the Scandi look has gained such popularity is because it’s an incredibly versatile style. It works well in both small and large spaces, and can be adapted to suit any budget. Additionally, the focus on minimalism and functionality means that it’s easy to create a clutter-free space that’s both calming and relaxing.

How to Create the Scandi Look

If you’re interested in creating a Scandi look in your own home, there are a few key elements that you’ll need to consider:

1. Choose a neutral color palette

The Scandi look is all about muted colors, so choose colors such as white, gray, and beige for your walls, furniture, and accessories. However, don’t be afraid to add a splash of color with bold and bright accents like a rug, a piece of art or some cushions.

2. Use natural materials

The Scandi look is all about using natural materials such as wood, stone, and linen. Incorporate lots of texture into your space by using soft rugs, chunky knit throws, and woven baskets.

3. Embrace minimalism

The Scandi look is all about simplicity, so embrace minimalism by decluttering your space. Get rid of anything that’s unnecessary or doesn’t bring you joy.

4. Bring in lots of light

Light is important in creating a Scandi look, so maximize natural light if possible. Use light, gauzy curtains or blinds to let in as much light as possible. If your space is naturally dark, consider adding some quality light fixtures to help brighten the space.

Creating Hygge in Your Home

In addition to creating a minimalist look, it’s also important to create a sense of hygge in your home. Hygge is all about creating a sense of coziness and warmth, and it’s an important aspect of the Scandi look. Here are some tips for creating hygge in your home:

1. Use lots of textiles

Textiles are an important part of creating a hygge atmosphere. Soft and cozy blankets, as well as plush rugs and cushions, will help to create a warm and inviting space.

2. Incorporate candles

Candles are a staple of hygge, adding warmth and a sense of relaxation to any space. Choose unscented candles in natural colors and place them around your home to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

3. Create comfortable seating areas

Creating comfortable seating areas is important for a hygge atmosphere. Soft sofas and comfortable chairs are essential, as are cozy blankets and cushions.

4. Use earthy, natural scents

The sense of smell is an important part of creating a hygge atmosphere. Choose earthy, natural scents such as pine, cinnamon, or even freshly baked bread to create an inviting and cozy space.


The Scandi look is a popular style for good reason. It’s an easy and versatile style to incorporate into any home, and it creates a sense of calm and relaxation. Additionally, the emphasis on hygge creates a sense of warmth and coziness that is essential for a comfortable home. Whether you’re looking to create a minimalistic and functional look, or a warm and inviting space, the Scandi look can be adapted to suit your individual lifestyle and design style.

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